Every business and industry need to take action to generate potential leads. Lead generation action is to engage interested customers and convert them into successful leads. Two types of lead generation strategies work here-B2B and B2C. A lead refers to a potential client who invests money into the business and consumes the services. I am writing four components that work B2B and B2C in both platforms.
Lead Capture : This is the process to collect relevant and qualified information from multichannel platforms like- client’s name, contact details, business name, profile, position, etc.
Lead Magnets : An action that refers to keyword research, rankings, SEO, and database which helps to create new potential leads.
Lead Qualification : This activity helps us to get understand about the interested clients whether they are expecting to buy our product or not.
Lead Segments : A process which helps to segregate the lead based on their information like habits and activities.
Each component helps to understand of lead nature and fulfilling the business requirements. Well, our strategies do not end here. Lead generation tactics include 12 more effective actions.
“Time Is Money”
We value your time and as a marketer, we strongly believe to save the valuable time of our clients and ours. In a busy world, we hardly get time to put the effort into lead generation tools. Here, Chatbots are a great lead generation tool. We are living in the advanced technology world, where chatbots give proper assistant 24/7 like humans.
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